A World Of Possibilities

  • Accounting and payroll
  • Para Legal
  • Personal and professional assistance
  • Website development and coding
  • Search engine optimisation & app development
  • Inventory
  • Telemarketing and customer service support
  • Marketing & social media coordination
  • Technical support
  • Administrative assistance
  • Special projects

The TeemCorp Advantage

  • Dedicated office space, modern equipment and high speed internet
  • A local connection on the ground, both in Perth, Western Australia, and Metro Manila, Philippines
  • Secure ethical and safe
  • No lock in contracts
  • No goodwill with Teemcorp
  • First Choice Employer

Your Offshore Team

  • You manage/train reward – Your goodwill
  • Branded
  • TeemCorp effectively employs on trust
  • Your systems/network
  • Scanning/Skype/Voip telephone
  • CCTV
  • Australian Visits
  • Makati Visits
  • Massive savings and efficiencies
  • No Payroll Tax
  • Reduce office expense in Australia

Employment – The TeemCorp Process

  • Identify your business requirements
  • Post job ad (or engage consultant)
  • Screen applicants
  • Skype interview/s
  • Final selection
  • Contract with employee
  • Commencement
  • Train/engage/review/reward

TeemCorp will provide assistance throughout the process. We have immense experience in developing customer support processes. From respecting the deadlines to giving complete client servicing, along with 24/7 customer support, we at Team Corp have specialized in greeting and maintaining our clients. Our solutions make outsourcing easy. Thus, puts us above the majority of the other Business Process Outsourcing Companies.