
Click here to check out the average salary ranges paid in the Philippines.

  1. Identify your offshoring needs
  2. Contract with TeemCorp
  3. Complete the recruitment profile (liaise with TeemCorp recruiter)
  4. We will identify the top 3-6 candidates that best suit your criteria
  5. You or your staff can conduct a Skype interview and choose your employee/salary package to ensure you recruit the best talent available.

Upon commencement:

  1. We provide computer/workplace/internet/security and ensure salary and entitlements are paid.
  2. You train the staff member according to your needs.
  3. You discipline/reward staff as per any employee.
  4. Staff work

We will guide you through all the offshore staffing processes and ensure to streamline the workflow, allowing us more time to focus on customer satisfaction. We will even provide consultancy over how to attract and retain the best talent.